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Alte Schmiede Vienna

Friday, 12.01.2024 19:00

Alte Schmiede Wien Schönlaterngasse 9 1010 Wien Tickets:

Markus Koropp piano
Janna Polyzoides piano

Wendelin Preßl
PLANETOGRAPHIE (2021), 7 scenes from the universe

Horst Stein
IN_OUT (2023), Composition in at least 5 & max. 10 pictures = Constellations
BRU-BRA (2023), Composition in 15 pictures = Colored pencil drawings

Nana Dahlin
Sketchbook (2023)

Irina Cerha
5 Ink drawings from the cycle “Musikblätter” (1987)

Drawings, sculptures and graphics intended to stimulate musical thoughts and vice versa form the core of this project. Visual artists have contributed works that will be translated into a musical dramaturgy. Lines become melodies and shapes become rhythms, which are performed by Janna Polyzoides and Markus Koropp as soloists and as a duo on the piano, while the images and objects are currently displayed on stage for the audience.